Deltarune Wiki
Oh, no! Your user name or IP address has been blocked!

Block information

Blocker $1
Reason $2
Start of block $8
Expiry of block $6
Block ID #$5
Intended blockee $7
Current IP address $3

What should I do now?

If you think your block was unfair, contact the administrator that blocked you on their Community Central Message Wall. If the administrator that blocked you is currently inactive, you can check the list of administrators to see which admin is the most active, and contact them instead. Do not forget to behave in the situation of contacting the admin. Politeness is a very important factor in getting unblocked.

Information to include

  • Block ID. If your block was the result of an autoblock, the administrator wouldn't know what autoblock to remove in order to unblock you.
    • Your current block ID is #$5.
  • Description of the situation. It might be that the administrator didn't understand what you were trying to do and misblocked you, so include everything that you think should be included to make the situation clearer to the administrator.

Unblock responses

There are several responses you can get in response to your unblock request, most common of which are:

The administrator might just claim your block is an autoblock. However, that doesn't mean they'll unblock you immediately. The administrator you contacted might request you to prove you aren't the user the autoblock was intended for.
If, after the regular explanation the administrator still doesn't understand the situation, they will request more information to be given to them. Please stay patient while describing the situation to them!
Staff approval
In this case, the administrator will ask other staff members about unblocking you. If your block wasn't a mistake, the administrator must ask other staff members, so this is the situation that is most likely to happen. Wait until all staff members vote about your unblocking, and the administrator you contacted will get back to you. This doesn't mean you'll definitely get unblocked. There are cases when staff decides not to unblock you, cases when they decide to unblock you, and sometimes even cases when they decide just to lower the block length.
There are cases when the administrator will give you an outright no upon the request of lowering the length of your block/unblocking you. This most often happens if the reason for your block was "Vandalism".

See also
