KeyGen is an item required to enter the basement of the Queen's Mansion and therefore fight Spamton NEO on a normal route. It is bought from Spamton's shop for a price that changes every second, with a much higher deviation than other items sold there. After buying KeyGen from Spamton and talking about "OUR DEAL," it prompts a response with "KEYGEN," makes Spamton's face change colors and plays the KEYGEN track.
- KeyGen is based on software key-generators, usually found in the warez scene among illegal software distributors. The track that plays when speaking to Spamton more than once about the KeyGen is also referential to the style of music that was composed for these programs.
- Spamton's face changing colors is likely a reference to "[YTP] The King Downloads Sony Vegas", a YouTube Poop by Moto200Alt. In the video, King Harkinian from Link: The Faces of Evil runs a keygen for Sony Vegas, at which point he begins rapidly flashing colours (albeit much more violently than Spamton).
- The Deltarune song "KEYGEN" sounds similar to the opening seconds of "Unreal Superhero 3" by Kenet & Rez, the keygen music that plays in the background of the YTP.
- When the lock is inspected, the text is "(Kris used the KEYGEN.)" and the item is instantly used without a prompt.
- If one counts the KeyGen's highest possible price it can randomly fluctuate to, it is the most expensive item in the game.