Anyone else seriously bothered/disturbed by Ralsei's insistence that Darkners's sole purpose is to be subservient to Lightners?
Also, did anyone else notice that Ralsei is our only source of most any info on the Dark World and stuff?
Anyone else seriously bothered/disturbed by Ralsei's insistence that Darkners's sole purpose is to be subservient to Lightners?
Also, did anyone else notice that Ralsei is our only source of most any info on the Dark World and stuff?
It doesn't make sense why Lancer couldn't live in the cyber dark world.
Wanna know why?
One of the classic computer games. Has been around for YEARS as a free game on windows PCs. Presumably exists in this world, too. And Lancer, as the jack of spades, should be able to theoretically exist as a card in solitaire, perhaps as a digitized version or something.
Yet he turns to stone anyway.
Something strange is going on and I don't like it.
Spamton x DEATH
So uhhh the new newsletter for Deltarune seems to imply that ch.3 will indeed be weird television stuff. Toby Fox seems to emphasize the fact that this one will be silly and bizarre.
We learn the origin of darkners and more about what they really are.
I challenge, nay, I DEMAND you, yes you, the person reading this, to devise the ultimate, most insane, most utterly bonkers, absolute DUMBEST theory possible. Go absolutely nuts with it.
This can be about future chapters, the purpose of Easter eggs, character backstories, WHATEVER. It just has to be completely inane and horrible.
If the chess theory is legit, I don't see why Mike and Tenna can't share the role of Main Evil Guy of Chapter 3. There are two rooks per player in chess, y'know, so maybe they can be working together, or maybe they're competing for control over the dark world. If this is the case, then there would be two knights and two bishops as well.
And, um, also eight pawns. But these could represent the seven presumable secret bosses plus Kris, as they are all mere pawns of a greater force. Then the two remaining chapters would be Vs. the other player and Vs. the chessboard.
AUGH, I need to shut up about the chess theory.
Spamton screaming absurd threats at the television.
Televison purgatory
I find it interesting that the vessel's code is kept at all. That implies that it will be used in a future chapter.
Like Scrolleror said, I think that Ralsei has good intentions but is misguided. If he's being deceptive, it not because he has ulterior MOTIVES, but because he has ulterior METHODS.
Everything he does is to help the lightners. Might this mean putting darkners in danger somehow? Possibly. He means well but he may be doing morally questionable things to accomplish said tasks.
Do you think that darkners are really supposed to serve lightners? It seems a bit suspicious to me. There's definitely a connection between the two, but subservience seems a tad... hmm.
They both suck
I suppose you're right. I hadn't thought of that.
@Furgolick10 A character meantioned a few times by spamton during SS. There's a whole page on the website called "D_A_M_N_Y_O_U_T_E_N_N_A".
@Furgolick10 crud, I kind of phrased that badly. What I meant was that each chapter would have two separate main antagonists due to, in chess, there being two rooks, bishops, and knights per side of the board.
I suppose I was trying to imply that we may end up fighting both Mike and Tenna in Ch 3.
Interesting detail: to "rook" someone is to swindle them, according to the internet.
This seems important when you take into account that spamton is based on scam emails, and that he himself ended up contacting someone who MAJORLY screwed him over.
Also, this is speculation, but I think that from here on until chapter six, if the chess theory is true, we'll be fighting two versions each chapter's antagonist due to their respective piece's duplicity on the board. Mirror versions of each other, perhaps...?
So, the chess theory. It states that, basically, every chapter's boss will be based off of a chess piece in descending order of value. [Ch 1 was king, Ch 2 was queen, Ch 3 will probably be rook, etc.]
However, there are only six different pieces. So what would chapter seven's boss be?
Why, the answer is simple.
What piece has no value? It cannot be used whatsoever nor lost, but is still vital to the game? It is never played, but cannot be played without?
The answer, dear reader, is the chessboard itself.
Chapter seven's final boss will be a chessboard guy.