Upon defeating either of the known secret enemies in Deltarune Chapter 1 or 2, Jevil and Spamton G Spamton respectively, you can obtain 2 of 4 items.
When a secret boss is defeated, you will obtain 1 ShadowCrystal, an either a peice of armour or a weapon, depending on how you beat them. If you defeat a secret boss through violence, they give you a weapon, and if you deafet them through ACTs, they give you armour.
Jevil - Upon defeating Jevil through violence he will give you DevilsKnife, a scythe-ax hybrid. The weapon is exclusive to Susie and greatly increases her AT and lowers Rude Buster TP by 10. Jevil hints that he himself is the blade, when saying: "TAKE ME AND DO YOUR STRONGEST!" this is further confirmed as when attempting to equip the blade to Noelle, she comments that it is smiling at her. When defeating Jevil through ACTs, he gives you Jevilstail, which can be equipped to any character, and increases both AT and DF. It appears as though Jevil actually gives you his tail, as when he fades away you can see the item cosmetics for a few moments, and it's description matches Jevil's actual tail. In Chapter 1, when attempting to sell Jevil's items, Seam has generic dialogue when refusing to accept them; "Y'think I WANT that?" However, in Chapter 2, the merchants have unique dialogue when refusing to purchase them. If Susie has Devilsknife equipped when fighting Tasque Manager, she comments on it and confirms she has met Jevil before.
Spamton - Spamton is unique in the sense that, because he is also a merchant, you can obtain a total of 8 unique items from him.
- SPotion - SPotion is a poison, and will deal damage to any player that drinks it. It can be sold at shops. When given to your teammates, they will play it off and thank you for the drink, assuming you were unaware it was poison.
- "The Big One" - The big one is a sword that is broken into two pieces, and completely unusable. In the store window it claims to raise AT by 5 quintillion points, but actually cannot be equipped by anyone. Even though the item is referenced as "Broken", Malius cannot fix or fuse it. It sells for 1 Dark Dollar.
- B.Shot Bowtie - The B.Shot Bowtie has the same name as the one sold by Swatch in the queen's castle, however is actually very much damaged. When purchased, it's name changes to "FrayedBowtie", and it "Seems to have lost much of it's defensive value." In contrast to Swatch's B.Shot bowtie, which has the brand name cut off, Frayedbowtie increases AT by 1 and Magic by 2, whereas Swatch's increases DF by 2 and AT by 1.
- Keygen - The Keygen is a cyberhacking tool sold to you by Spamton, and is unique in the sense that it is the only store-bought item in the game that can only be purchased once. It is needed to bypass the Queen's cyber security, and enter the basement. It's price is ever fluctuating, changing every beat in rhythm the song played in the background. It goes from 8 Kromer to 50,872 Kromer, and the price freezes when interacted with. After the Keygen is purchased, when TALKing with Spamton, when talking about OUR DEAL, his face flashes rainbow with a action song playing in the background as he says "KEYGEN".
The Keygen cannot be sold.
- EmptyDisk - EmptyDisk is not actually obtained from Spamton himself, but is obtained when entering the basement as Spamton's request. The EmpryDisk is found in the rightmost corner of the basement in a broken down machine. It is useless unless given to Spamton. The EmtyDisk cannot be sold.
- LoadedDisk - Upon giving the EmptyDisk to Spamton, he transfers himself and his entire shop onto the disk, giving it the name "LoadedDisk". When interacted with it seems to be "Smiling in your hand." After transferring Spamton into the disk, the entire shop turns black and white, with the song playing in the background now playing 30% slower. The LoadedDisk cannot be sold. If Kris tries to put the LoadedDisk into the mannequin, it will "Squirm and wouldn't fit." Once the LoadedDisk is placed back into the broken down machine, Spamton NEO will ambush you on your way out of the basement, initiating the secret fight. If interacting with the Addisons with it in your inventory, they will talk about Spamton, or more, how they WON'T talk about Spamton. The LoadedDisk cannot be inserted into the mannequins at CastleTown if kept whilst in Cyber City.
- PuppetScarf - PuppetScarf is obtained by defeating Spamton through violence, and is "For those that abandon healing". It is exclusive to Ralsei, and when equipped caps his AT at 22, and minimises his magic at 7, healing 35 HP. By it's description, it appears to be constructed from the wires that held Spamton NEO's form up. It cannot be sold. This item is given to you automatically upon completing the Snowgrave route.
- DealMaker - Dealmaker is obtained by defeating Spamton through ACTs, and by it's description appears to be his glasses, or a replica of them. They can be equipped to anyone. When equipping them to Ralsei, he says: "...Two pairs of glasses?", which gives us insight as to why Spamton's glass lenses are mismatched in size. It most notably lowers Cat/Puppet damage by 40%, and increases monetary gain by 30%. They cannot be sold.
- ThornRing - The ThornRing is sold to you by Spamton after freezing every opponent in Cyber city with Noelle's Ice Shock attack. He sells it to you "FOR THE PRICE OF MY FAVOURITE YEAR!", 1997 Kromer. It deals damage to Noelle during fights, lowering it to 55. It also makes all of her spells TP lower by 50%. It is essential to posses this item if you want to continue on with the Snowgrave route, as if ThornRing is not possessed, the Snowgrave spell costs an impossible 200% TP. It furthermore changes her title and description. Spamton seems to have a lot of meta-knowledge about it, as if you defeat him through violence in the first encounter, he says you should have been violent earlier, and maybe you could have purchased his [Commemorative Ring], as he calls it. The item is exclusive to Noelle, and cannot be sold. It is the most powerful obtainable item in the game, capping both Noelle's AT and Magic, and allows the player to kill Berdly. If the Snowgrave route is abandoned after purchasing the item, you can keep it in your inventory. It can be fused with a PureCrystal to create a TwistedSwd. Because a PureCrystal is not actually obtainable yet, neither is the TwistedSwd.
- Pipis - Pipis is not actually an obtainable item, but can be used by Kris during the Snowgrave fight with Spamton NEO to heal 120 HP. During the Snowgrave route, Pipis themselves appear as enemies, contrary to being projectiles used by Spamton during his Basement fight. They attack by self-destructing and firing mini-Spamton heads around the battle board. During Spamton NEO's Snowgrave fight, he also has a unique attack that matches the attack of the Pipis when interacted with individually outside if the fight. Pipis are blue egg-like entities, described by Spamton as "My [eggs]", yet when Checked during a fight, are described as an invasive species of Clam. Spamton can also use Pipis to heal himself during the Snowgrave fight. Pipis are unique in the sense that they are fightable ENEMIES, usable ITEMs, and WEAPONs used by a Boss, making them the most versatile entity in the game. A Pipis with a pink bowtie tied around it can potentially be seen during the Snowgrave route. It has no special properties other than it's cosmetics.
Spamton is also unique because he is the only merchant not to BUY items from you, and his SELL section is replaced by BUYMORE! After defeating him in the basement, Swatch will talk about him, calling him "Once a valued customer." The Addisons can also be seen lined up outside his shop, and they will speak of his origins.
Spamton refers to Jevil as a [Clown around town], and appears to heavily dislike him, exclaiming he feels sick after Jevil is mentioned. He also knows of the Chapter 3 Boss, Mike, and warns us not to believe anything we see on TV, because Mike is a criminal.