Noelle's HP keeps dropping during Berdly's boss fight in Snowgrave Route even though she doesn't hit by damage, obviously because of her thorn ring. But her HP stops dropping once it reaches 55 HP, and 55 is LV in roman letters🤔
Noelle's HP keeps dropping during Berdly's boss fight in Snowgrave Route even though she doesn't hit by damage, obviously because of her thorn ring. But her HP stops dropping once it reaches 55 HP, and 55 is LV in roman letters🤔
It doesn't make sense why Lancer couldn't live in the cyber dark world.
Wanna know why?
One of the classic computer games. Has been around for YEARS as a free game on windows PCs. Presumably exists in this world, too. And Lancer, as the jack of spades, should be able to theoretically exist as a card in solitaire, perhaps as a digitized version or something.
Yet he turns to stone anyway.
Something strange is going on and I don't like it.
Their name is Sketh. They are an artist who takes requests from people but can't come up with their own ideas. They like to walk around and look at things, asking a lot of questions so that they can get a better understanding of what they have to draw. They try not to draw NSFW but can be tricked into doing it. Since they can only draw things based on what already exists, they've been accused of copying other artists.
Funny thing I just realised, rather than go through the effort of taking the Snowgrave route, there's a much faster, arguably even more damaging thing you can do in just a few seconds.
When Kris seals the Cyber World fountain, they collect all of the Darkner citizens, just like at the beginning of the chapter.
But here's the thing: you don't have to go back to Castle Town before the chapter ends.
In other words, if you don't return to Castle Town before you enter Kris' home, you've still got all the Cyber World Darkners on you.
And at the very end of Ch2, Kris creates a new Dark Fountain, so the beginning of Ch3 will almost certainly be IN the new Dark World.
Since you still have all the Cyber World citizens on you when you enter Ch3's Dark World, they'll all come out like Lancer and Rouxls Kaard and eventually be turned to stone, effectively genociding the entire Cyber World at once even after sparing them.
Okay, I know it's not the same as genocide since they can recover once you bring them back to Castle Town at the end of Ch3, but it's still something to think about.
Will the start of Ch3 be different depending on whether you visited Castle Town or not? Susie asks you to visit there, but you don't have to, so Toby does acknowledge the possibility.
Basically, every speedrunner's done an unintentional genocide route and doesn't even know it.
Why did Noelle and Berdly go to the computer lab, to study for their project, when the Internet was down?
Alphys implied it had been down for a day at least. Surely Noelle, the girl that has an online blog would also be aware of this?
Ok i know i just posted but i've been thinking about this for a while. i think i have an answer to the age-old question “Who is Everyman?”
First, if you don’t know who Everyman is he/they/it is a character that appears as an attack for the amalgamate “Reaper Bird” in Undertale and an easter egg in multiple places in Deltarune (as well as an inclusion in the official Undertale art book). There has been lots of speculation about who Everyman really is, since many people consider him an amalgamate and the amalgamates are made up of several pre-existing characters/enemies, like Froggits and Whimsuns, but Everyman’s existence is never explained. So, I’ve been thinking about a possible theory, and no matter how many times I’ve been told to shut up I just can’t get it out of my head, so here it is:
Everyman is Berdly.
Okay, I know. Ridiculous, right? But hear me out. Berdly is never mentioned or shown in Undertale, and we don't know who the Everyman amalgamate is, so it wouldn’t be impossible. But if Everyman is Berdly, why is Everyman is Deltarune? Well, he isn’t REALLY in Deltarune. He’s an easter egg. A reference. And where those references are in Deltarune add even more evidence to this theory, so I'll go ahead and list them all.
Jevil’s carousel attack
Poppup’s pop-up attack
Queen’s “DRAMA” attack
Graffiti in the alleyway in Hometown
So, not a lot. And how is any of this evidence for Everyman being Berdly?
#1: jevil’s carousel attack. Everyman’s face replaces a duck’s face. Ducks are birds.
#2: Poppup’s pop-up attack. The Poppups are bird-like creatures.
#3: Queen’ DRAMA attack. Berdly is actually present during this one, though not conscious, and is associated with Queen as he spends half of the game trying to impress her???
#4: Graffiti in the alley of Hometown. This one is less cool, but Berdly lives in Hometown.
Also, Everyman’s face sorta looks like a bird. He’s literally described on the Deltarune Wiki as having “a long beak-like protuberance” so I don’t know. :/ let me know your thoughts
Think about it. He knows about the classroom and the toys, and he was able to get from the town, to the Cyber World from the exact way that we came. We would've seen him if we got there after him, so he got there after us and got to Cyber World via the fountain in the computer lab.
Discuss below.