My top three is:
1-empty town
3-hip shop
My top three is:
1-empty town
3-hip shop
Funny thing I just realised, rather than go through the effort of taking the Snowgrave route, there's a much faster, arguably even more damaging thing you can do in just a few seconds.
When Kris seals the Cyber World fountain, they collect all of the Darkner citizens, just like at the beginning of the chapter.
But here's the thing: you don't have to go back to Castle Town before the chapter ends.
In other words, if you don't return to Castle Town before you enter Kris' home, you've still got all the Cyber World Darkners on you.
And at the very end of Ch2, Kris creates a new Dark Fountain, so the beginning of Ch3 will almost certainly be IN the new Dark World.
Since you still have all the Cyber World citizens on you when you enter Ch3's Dark World, they'll all come out like Lancer and Rouxls Kaard and eventually be turned to stone, effectively genociding the entire Cyber World at once even after sparing them.
Okay, I know it's not the same as genocide since they can recover once you bring them back to Castle Town at the end of Ch3, but it's still something to think about.
Will the start of Ch3 be different depending on whether you visited Castle Town or not? Susie asks you to visit there, but you don't have to, so Toby does acknowledge the possibility.
Basically, every speedrunner's done an unintentional genocide route and doesn't even know it.
People who are saying that ralsei shouldn't know where the abandoned classroom is. but if you recall you spent an entire day in the dark world to the EAST of the castle town.
ralsei can survive in the other dark worlds because of the same reasons other darkners can stay in castle tow because ralsei says that "the dark fountain in castle town is made of pure darkness" and ralsei also says that " darkners are made of the dark fountain from there home dark world" so that means that ralsei is made of pure darkness therefore he can survive in any dark world
The things in the supply closet form what is in the Castle Town Dark World. Undoubtedly, the big piles of dust are formed from the chalk, and the holes that drip darkness are probably from how dark the closet is. But what about Ralsei, our nerdy little goat friend? Welllllllllll, there were some pieces of paper on the floor of the closet, and we know that Asriel and Kris used to play in the abandoned classroom riiiiiiight next to the closet. Maybe a drawing of Asriel by a young Kris (on the back of one of Toriel's old worksheets) became everyone's favorite little Darkner?
Many of you are kinda confused with this, so I guess i'll talk about it again.
Basically, Castle Town's Dark Fountain is the true Dark Fountain, the fountain that can sustain all Darkners. This is why people like Queen, Lancer, and King can all survive there, and doesn't turn into stone. Now, Ralsei came from Castle Town's Dark Fountain, he was made from it. He is a prince from the dark. Since Castle Town's fountain can sustain all Darkners, it makes sense that Ralsei can go to all Dark Worlds and not turn into stone because he was made from Castle Town's Dark Fountain.
Also, Castle town is not a part of Card Kingdom. Card Kingdom is a seperate Dark World.
Think about it. He knows about the classroom and the toys, and he was able to get from the town, to the Cyber World from the exact way that we came. We would've seen him if we got there after him, so he got there after us and got to Cyber World via the fountain in the computer lab.
Discuss below.
As in, in the entire world of Deltarune, outside of just hometown, do you think that there are more places that act like Castle Town? Other Dark Worlds that can house any Darkner, other fountains that are as powerful as, or even more powerful than Ralsei's?
And speaking of him, do you think that if these places do exist, that there are other Darkners like Ralsei, who are born of the more powerful fountains and are therefore able to visit any dark world without turning to stone?
Or is Castle Town, and therefore Ralsei, unique? Do the supposed heroes of light just happen to live in the same town as the Dark World housing the supposed hero of darkness? And if Kris/Asriel/the Knight actually did create Ralsei's fountain to be more powerful, does that imply that people and places like Ralsei and his home actually ARE unique to that one school closet in Hometown? Or could there even be another powerful Dark World in hometown somewhere?
Let me know your thoughts!
(edit: grammar)
(It's possible someone else has had this theory as well, but I haven't seen it anywhere, so don't say I stole it.)
So, may people seem to be wondering one thing in particular about Chapter 2: Why don't we see Ralsei turn to stone? And I'm here with my own answer to that question, one that I personally thing is more plausible than some other theories, such as him secretly being a Lightner or something... It's because of where he's from.
Ralsei is the only Darkner we know of (and possibly the only one period) who is a native of Castle Town. Plenty of other Darkners live there now, but Ralsei seems to be the only one who was born there. One must note that we don't actually know if he was 'born' at all, but he has lived in the kingdom all his life, and was presumably exposed to the Castle Town Fountain before any others. So we can safely say that Ralsei is physically and soulfully more connected with Castle Town than any other Darkner.
Now, what exactly is Castle Town? Well, it's the home of all the Darkners we befriend and recruit. And despite the fact that Darkners that originate from different worlds live there, we never see any of them turn to stone. Ralsei himself says that "Any Darkner can live there" when asked if Lancer will heal from his stone state when returned to the Town. So, in other words, the location of the Town and the Fountain it contains are of a versatile nature, and unlike most Dark Worlds in that sense.
Now, here's my theory: Ralsei, being a native of Castle Town, is built differently than other Darkners. His body originates from the Castle Town fountain, and he has therefore inherited its versatile and deeply dark and magical nature. He is made of a different kind of darkness, a kind that can exist in any world, just like Darkners of any world can exist in Castle Town. Ralsei is a self-supporting creature, and can 'belong' anywhere, because he was born under the fountain of a self-supporting place in which anyone can belong.
So, those are my thoughts on the matter. Tell me what you think and if you want to contradict or build on anything I said!
Its prolly just me but this place always made me feel nostalgic. the second i saw it for the first time i was instantly reminded of an old game i still love dearly. Even now its the only thing i can think of when i look at it.
Has anyone felt similar?